
Sabado 4.1

The day started at 3:30am. My alarm went if and I found myself asking myself why. Chuck A. arrived promptly at 4:15 to take Josue and me to the airport. I really miss having Kristin with us and I know she wishes she could come along. She is probably crying as she reads this, so I want to tell her that we are taking her with us (in our hearts) throughout Honduras.
We met Myra at the airport. She is a really awesome person to travel with. We talked the entire flight from Houston to Tegucigalpa. We were both VERY tired, but we still wanted to talk and talk. It was a very pleasant journey. We also found we have a LOT in common.
Currently, we are sitting in Burger King with Mateo F., talking about the future of Casa de Esperanza and Honduras Hope.  After our discussion, I know that we can only put the program in God's hands. Afterward, we visited Casa to play with the children. We met with the group from Tennessee (7) and looked in as they finished up their last project. We also spent time catching up on each other lives. The ending ended in a ravishing game of futbol (Gringos v Hondurans). The Gringos won, but only because we were had about 12 players versus the Hondurans 5.
Devon (Tennessee) led devotion this evening.  Through his delivery, I was reminded of my first trip here. He spoke of his visit to the dump, to Nuevo Orental, to the market- all life changing experiences.
The Tennessee group leaves tomorrow morning, but we are just getting started. It's odd for them to be leaving, us to start and Lydia to remain behind. We also saw the boldness in one intern- Danny. He is here from England. Earlier today, he quit his job, called his dad and announced that he was going toward a full time youth ministry position in Mississippi.

This is Kristin. We are taking her with us wherever we go.

"for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God" -Ruth 1:16