
Domingo 5.1

This morning I led a quick devotion based on Luke 1:37. I talked about how God can accomplish things through us without the luxury of Starbucks and Microsoft.

Service in Lomas Diamantes was great. I am excited about working in this community and returning each year. The service was simple. Proferio wrote it and Nicole translated. They both have genuine passion when talking about the Lord.

Emma Selfie
Kris and I had lunch with Nicole, Emma and Haley. While there, we met Timoteo (Luis's father) and family. I had balleadas and horchata. I loved the balleadas, but not a fan of the horchata.
After lunch, we returned to Lomas Diamantes to connect with youth (Christians and Non-Christians). I met so many kids and tried to make connections, but only some of them remembered my name. I plan on working on that in subsequent visits. However, I will work to remember Juan Fernando, Fernanda, Juan Jose, Angie, Daniel, Daniella and Jessica.

The group from Tennessee arrived and were pretty tired. They are half teens and half adults. Hopefully they will be more social tomorrow. Nelson (intern) led devotion tonight. Jared led singing, but not all of the group fully participated. Hopefully, we can get the Tennessee group more involved in the singing tomorrow night.

"Greet all brethren with an holy kiss" I Thessalonians 5:26

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