
Viernes 5.5

Today we split the group in half to build two houses. The day was filled with tension. Initially, we all thought we would split teams according to skills. However, the Tennessee group wanted to remain together because of promises to parents. We accepted this and the tension began. I won't go into details because the lesson is not there. I knew Texans were competitive, but today I learned the depths of our passion for competition. Mistakes on both sites were made, but I can say mistakes from the Texas group were a direct result of lack of concentration, haste and strong wills. During our break, we had time to be reminded of the reason we are here.

I realized how small we were as I saw the state of the community. I saw a mother and her daughter grateful to have a home. I saw neighbors celebrating as they watch a new structure come together. I saw hungry children, barely clothed as we toiled over who was in charge or next steps to take.

We had to acknowledge that our petty quarrels will not matter after we have finished these two houses. It will not matter which house was completed first. It will not matter who drove the most nails or which wall was put in first. At the end of the day two families received two houses completed because someone prayed for their well-being. God was not happy with our conduct, but he still used us to do his work.

As I write, I am embarrassed as I recall our behavior. During one of the house dedications, the father, Walter, commented that we worked as a family to build a home for his family. I suppose God put the language barrier in place so that Walter could not see the times we were not being brotherly. If we were a family, we were disfunctional. At the end of the day God will do what he wants to no matter how we behave.

"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."- Galatians 6:25-26

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