
Calendario de actividades

There are seven days until departure. I have been excited about this for more than 8 months. When I got the list of activities for the trip, excitement only heightened. Now that I am seven days away, I am having trouble concentrating on anything.

We were recently given daily options to schedule our activities. I felt like an 8 year old at the Cici's Pizza buffet. The activities are so exciting that I had trouble choosing my personal schedule. I am going to be really busy.

Saturday- Arrival, Sorting donated items for distribution
Sunday- Devotion with Casa de Eperanza
Monday- Build Hospital Escuela Playground
Tuesday- Build Hospital Escuela Playground
Wednesday- Nurses training session; VBS at Hospital Escuela
Thursday- Clinic at Onjojo; Late Night Hospital Blanket Ministry
Friday- Work at the City Dump (Food and Medical Ministry)
Saturday- Build a house
Sunday- Travel day

Though I am very sure of what I want to do, we have been told that everything is always up in the air. Each day, we pick the activity we want to be immersed in for the day. All I know is that I am going to have the time of my life. God willing, this is only the beginning for me.

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."- Philippians 2:4

1 comment:

DMF said...

You are too amped about this. I am sure it will be a great life experience.