
Dios es mi guía

Last night, I could not stop thinking of Anahi. When I woke this morning, I prayed that God show me the work I am supposed to do today. I signed up at do prison ministry. Talking with Kristin and my experience with CR made me think it was time for me to try out prison ministry. However, I worried who would be there for Anahi. I'm sure I am not the only one she could connect with. I also know that children require consistency in their lives.

After prayer and discussion with others, I think God wants me to remain with VBS. I let Kristin and Logan know that I was backing out. I felt bad, but there is also plenty of time for me to get involved in prison ministry. There is only a finite time to pit children on God's path as they develop.

The size of our first group was perfect. With roughly 20 kids, we were able to move smoothly through the activities. I befriended Tatiana (12) who helped repeat our memory verse in spanish. She also returned for the second session with friends. The second group had 65 kids, so it was a lot harder to keep order. We had a successful session in spite. We also had a number of returning kids. Those I remember are Perla, Elvia,  Alexandra and Daniella.

Anahi was not present. I was both sad and worried. I hope she has a good life. I hope God holds her tight in his arms and protects her from the evils of this world. It would be wonderful to see her again (now or in the future). Hers is another face I want to see in heaven. God bless her. 

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."- Numbers 6:22

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